
The Count of Monte Cristo: Pierre Niney looks for a fight in the first trailer

If the first teaser released a few weeks ago you left you hungry, Pathé has decided to put an end to your impatience by revealing the first real trailer dedicated to the Count of Monte Cristonew big budget adaptation of the work of Alexandre Dumas.

A video in the form of an origin story with the imprisonment of Edmond Dantès (Pierre Niney) just before his marriage to Mercédés Herrera (Anaïs Demoustier) following a plot instigated in particular by Gérard de Villefort (Laurent Lafitte). After several years in his cell, Edmond will meet an abbot who will reveal to him the hiding place of an immense fortune, which Dantès will get his hands on once he escapes from the jails. Thanks to his new wealth, he will carry out his revenge under the disguise of the Count of Monte Cristo.

The film takes place within a certain Dumasverse desired by Pathé after the two-part adaptation of Three Musketeers by Martin Bourboulon. Here, it's the duo Alexandre De La Patellière and Matthieu Delaporte (the excellent First name) who wrote the screenplay and direction. Enough to ensure a sort of continuity since the tandem had already written The three Musketeers.

And if we hope that the count of Monte Cristo will be better written than the two previous ones of the Dumasverse which had sacrificed many of its characters on the altar of “CONSTAAAAAAAANCE” (and most of the time without the said Constance), one thing nevertheless strongly reassures us after viewing the trailer.

Yes, it is no longer there, the awful orange-yellow filter of D'Artagnan And Milady set up to play the card “period film”, even if it means sacrificing the notion of contrast or quite simply daylight. More colorful, brighter, the count of Monte Cristo already has the advantage of allowing us to differentiate the characters from the background. The Count is good.

The Count of Monte Cristo plays on the length

In theory, the feature film does not intend to call for a sequel, unless there is a trap for Milady (we remember it and we will not forget), which justifies its much longer duration than each film The three Musketeers since it shows 2h58 on the clock. An ambition which will place it in direct competition in terms of number of sessions with Furiosa: a Mad Max saga, released a month earlier with a similar duration (2h30). A headache for venue operators in perspective.

The Count of Monte Cristo: Pierre Niney looks for a fight in the first trailer
© Pathé Films

But this shows that Pathé is not afraid to play in the field of American blockbusters. Normal, given the substantial budget of 43 million euros, the count of Monte Cristo intends to be one of the events of the summer. It's more than every movie The three Musketeers (70 million for both). But the studio hopes to make up for a not so successful box office to Milady (2.5 million admissions in France) only for D'Artagnan (3.3 million). The presence of the very popular Pierre Niney (currently in Fiasco on Netflix) is a significant plus for trying this bet.

the count of Monte Cristo releases on June 28, 2024 on our screens.

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