
My opinion on the Aerofit Pro from Soundcore, the perfect headphones for running?

Buying wireless headphones has become the norm in recent years, but with the proliferation of models and technologies, it is sometimes difficult to make the right choice. For its part, the Anker subsidiary, Soundcore, offers headphones “open ear” which promise a very different experience.

If the AeroFit Pro are the logical evolution of the AeroFit (€129.99), they must nevertheless pass a milestone, especially with a selling price of €169.90. Such a pricing position requires premium headphones. But do these AeroFit Pros even have the build?

Do not be fooled by appearances

Soundcore Aerofit Pro
The Aerofit Pro headphones have a very surprising shape, but beneath this exotic appearance hide real good wireless headphones © Soundcore

The earphone box has the classic design of a charging case for wireless earphones. The sleek white model isn't as messy as we feared and the finishes are quite good. Note also that the headband sold as an accessory with the headphones is also quite well finished.

Ultimately, the magic only happens when you open the box. There, for a few seconds, we inevitably wonder what we have just stumbled upon. It's hard to imagine that these two curved stems could be headphones. Their design is obviously reminiscent of hearing aids, and people definitely pointed this out to me from the first use.

But as the proverb says, the habit does not make the monk, and we must go beyond appearances. This is even more true with the Aerofit Pro. These headphones certainly have a… characteristic design, but they nonetheless remain extremely well finished products.

High-end headphones

From the first application, they attach pleasantly around the ears. During the first minutes it is difficult to forget them, but ultimately the human body quickly adapts to this new traveling companion and these headphones are forgotten quite quickly.

Even faster than in-ear solutions? Maybe. It really depends on each person's sensitivities with this technology. In our case, the listening comfort was relatively similar, but once again, my truth is not necessarily yours on this point and the only way to form an opinion is to try.

Soundcore Aerofit Pro Jdg 2
© Journaldugeek.com

As far as sound quality is concerned, this is ultimately the trade-off of headphones, whatever they may be, Soundcore's AeroFit Pro have nothing to complain about. Their “open ear” design does not alter the listening quality and the bass is there. The sound is of very good quality, it is even possible to adjust it from the Soundcore application by playing on the equalizer and balance. We will come back to this part in more detail in the “applications” section of this test.

Record autonomy

With the AeroFit Pro from Soundcore, earphone battery life is never a problem again. Once stored in their case, the headphones can work for days. The brand for its part announces 14 hours on a single charge and 46 hours with the case.

During this test, we were able to well exceed 10 hours of use on a single charge. the 46 hours with the case nevertheless seems a little optimistic, we would rather bet on 30 to 35 hours, which is already quite sufficient, especially for sports headphones which are not used continuously over a day like AirPods.

Support and comfort

Soundcore Aero Fit Pro
The AeroFit Pro in their “electric” purple color © Soundcore

Soundcore's AeroFit Pro are headphones designed primarily for athletes. With their particular design, allowing you to always have your ears free to hear around you, it is legitimate to wonder if comfort and support are there.

In short, yes. The headphones do not move. During my test I carried out several running outings, both on the road, on the track and on trail paths and the headphones never moved. At least we never felt it during the test.

Regarding comfort of use, the experience is a little less perfect. Indeed, the headphones are comfortable and are quickly forgotten, but you can feel a slight sensation of “gravity” after removing them. Nothing insurmountable but this little discomfort is very present and brings with it a strange feeling.


Sondcore Aerofit Pro app
The Soundcore application with its “white noise” screen © Soundcore

Finally, to use the headphones to their full potential, it is advisable to use the dedicated Soundcore application. It is entirely possible to do without it, but the latter is really well thought out and worth the detour.

In addition to being able to make “classic” settings on the headphones, such as adjusting the balance or equalizer, it is possible to broadcast white noise. A surprising feature that allows you to change music and other podcasts that I usually listen to during my running outings.

Conclusion, price reminder, colors

Soundcore Aero Fit Pro Blue
The Aerofit Pro in their “aqua” blue color © Soundcore

In conclusion, the AeroFit Pro from Soundcore are very good wireless headphones. They are particularly suitable for athletes, but if you struggle with in-ear headphones without being a big sportsman at heart, they can become a very interesting solution.

While their price may deter some people, the audio quality is excellent and alone justifies such a high positioning. Finally, the design is undoubtedly the most divisive point about these headphones. They are original, that's undeniable, and once worn, you quickly forget their unorthodox shape.

Soundcore AeroFit Pro are available at the price of €169.99. They come in four colors: “forest” white, “Aqua” blue, “dynamic” black and “electric” purple.

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