
WhatsApp provides chat filters to make it easier to classify and respond to messages

Meta has provided the Chat Filters feature for WhatsApp users, which is a feature that categorizes incoming chats or messages for users, in order to make it easier for them to find them and interact with what interests them most, so that they can easily access unread messages to respond to them or exclude chats from groups to view them later.

What is the chat filters feature in WhatsApp?

The new Chat Filters feature appears at the top of chats, providing three classifications or filters to facilitate sorting messages and responding to what matters most. These classifications include all messages and unread messages, in addition to a classification for groups to view new chats from groups.

  Chat filters in WhatsApp   Chat filters in WhatsApp

All the user has to do is click on the classification at the top to filter messages according to what interests him most, so he can choose the “Unread” classification at the top to respond to incoming messages and find them directly, or click on the “Groups” classification to read messages from different groups or groups.

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Meta said that the new chat filters feature has begun to be officially available to WhatsApp users, and will be gradually available to all users around the world over the next few weeks.

iPhone users can download the latest version of the most popular instant messaging application WhatsApp for free through the App Store App StoreAndroid phone users can also download the latest version of the application for free through the store Google Play.

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