
What's new in Google’s Gemini 1.5 AI model? When is it available?

Google officially announced the new artificial intelligence model, Gemini 1.5, weeks after the launch of the first version of the linguistic model. Google said that the medium-sized version of the new model, Gemini 1.5 Pro, is capable of processing tasks at a similar level in a larger size than the first version 1.0 Ultra, in addition to Much greater ability to understand context.

What's new in Google Gemini 1.5?

The latest Gemini 1.5 model from Google provides significant improvements in the performance of various artificial intelligence tasks, as the medium version of the model, which is now available for testing, Gemini 1.5 Pro, provides the same performance as the most powerful linguistic model now from Google. Gemini Ultra Which the company provides to subscribers Gemini Advanced For $20 per month.

Google said that the Gemini 1.5 Pro outperformed the 1.0 Pro in 87 percent of benchmark tests, which is the model that is based on technology called… MoEwhich refers to using part of the form when submitting a query instead of processing the entire form all the time, which gives the form a faster and more efficient ability to provide answers.

But the most important thing that distinguishes Gemini 1.5 is its great ability to process a much larger context compared to all vents, which makes it capable of processing much longer queries and processing more information in real time, as it is able to process up to 1 million workers compared to 128 thousand workers for for model GPT-4 from OpenAI company And 32 thousand workers for Gemini 1.0 Pro,

To simplify, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said that this makes Gemini 1.5 Pro capable of previewing about 10 or 11 hours of video and tens of thousands of lines of code at the same time to provide the best answers to user queries. Google gave an example of the Gemini 1.5 Pro’s ability to process… A huge amount of data with the ability to summarize 402 pages of the Apollo mission to the moon, understand the conversations and details in the document to answer any questions related to it, or even understand all the episodes of the Game of Thrones series at once.

Google believes that Gemini 1.5 Pro's ability to process a much larger context will be very useful for companies, as it allows adding a very large amount of content to be analyzed in real time, including, for example, downloading a new movie and asking about what reviewers will say about it.

When is Gemini 1.5 available?

Google's latest AI model, Gemini 1.5, is now only available for business users and developers, through Vertex AI andAI Studiowhich will later replace Gemini 1.0, and the standard version of Gemini Pro, which is now available through Gemini app It is now available for Android, iPhone, and through the web and many other company services, provided that the version capable of processing a context related to more than 128,000 workers will be available for free and for an additional fee if you wish to take advantage of the model’s capabilities to process a larger amount of data.

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