
What is Generative AI?

Over the past few months, the term Generative AI has spread in conjunction with the artificial intelligence revolution initiated by OpenAI, with the launch of the free version of the chatbot ChatGPT, which is capable of generating texts based on linguistic AI models. However, the term “generative artificial intelligence” is still… Generative AI is vague to many, which is what we are trying to simplify.

What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

Before defining Generative AI, we must first know what artificial intelligence is and what is the difference between it and generative artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be defined as a set of technologies that include machine learning, generative AI, and others, which are technologies that enable devices to perform a variety of advanced functions, including the ability to see, understand, and translate spoken and written language, analyze data, and provide… Recommendations and more.

What is Generative AI?

While Machine Learning refers to one of the types or fields of artificial intelligence, which depends on specific applications that use data to train a model to perform a specific task and learn from experience, Generative AI is a term that refers to artificial intelligence solutions capable of generating new information. Including text, images, videos and sounds.

Generative AI solutions and applications rely on what is known as large linguistic models (LLMs), which are a statistical model to predict the probability of each outcome based on the input, which are models such as Gemini from Google and…GPT-4 From OpenAI and other open source language models such as Gemma from Google andLlama 2 From Meta and others.

Generative artificial intelligence techniques can help users perform complex tasks, including summarizing and producing content, responding to inquiries, etc., in addition to enhancing human capabilities and saving time and effort through automation, but it is not a conscious or magical being that can meet all user requests or even a substitute for human intelligence. now.

A look at the history of artificial intelligence (AI).

The history of artificial intelligence (AI) dates back to the 1950s, when Alan Turing began his historical scientific research “Computers and Intelligence” by asking whether machines could think. That decade witnessed early artificial intelligence research attempting to explore the possibility of creating machines that could think like humans.

In the sixties of the last century, logical systems appeared that could solve problems based on prior rules. Then machine learning algorithms appeared that could learn to perform tasks in the nineties. During the current century, machine learning experts developed algorithms inspired by the human brain, which they called “neural networks.” “neural networks.

Google achieved a major breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence in 2017, by publishing a scientific research it called TransformerIt is a pioneering neural network architecture that revolutionized the field of natural language processing (NLP), that is, the ability of computers to understand and interact with human language, which established the existence of advanced linguistic models such as GPT, which OpenAI relied on to launch GPT chat. Which was followed by most technology companies, including Google and Microsoft, launching tools competing with it and integrating features based on generative artificial intelligence, or the use of artificial intelligence to generate content in their various services and applications.

What are the most popular generative artificial intelligence tools?

Generative AI tools include chatbots such as gbt chat Gemini, Copilot, and…ChatGPT alternatives The various other ones are chatbots capable of producing content, summarizing it, responding to inquiries, etc., in addition to tools for creating images with artificial intelligence by describing them in text, and even tools for creating video with artificial intelligence by converting texts into video, such as Sora And others.

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