
TikTok is now available for Vision Pro users

The official TikTok application is now available for users of Apple's Vision Pro glasses, according to what the company that developed the most popular short video clips application announced, less than two weeks after Apple launched its new Vision Pro device and made it available for purchase to consumers in the United States.

The TikTok application for Apple Vision Pro glasses comes with the same famous interface for smartphone users, whether iPhone or Android, with video clips appearing vertically integrated into the space around the user when wearing the AR/VR mixed reality glasses.

More about: Apple Vision Pro: Apple Vision Pro glasses specifications, price and features

But the company took advantage of the ability to use the glasses in the space surrounding the user to expand the interface and add elements of interaction with the video in a side panel around the video, including liking, commenting, sharing, and saving the video to the watch later list, in addition to the appearance of the main tabs on the other side to move between the main and search. And profile.

YouTube has not yet provided an official application for Apple Vision Pro users

Tik Tok application interface for Vision Pro glasses Tik Tok application interface for Vision Pro glasses

TikTok had announced the launch of its application for users of the new Vision Pro glasses from Apple earlier last month, through Ahmed Zahran, the company’s product manager, who said that TikTok had redesigned the application from the ground up, so that users of the Apple Vision glasses could Mixed Reality Pro Watch TikTok videos embedded in AR or in full VR, which allows, for example, to watch videos on the moon or in any other virtual environment.

So far, Disney has announced the availability of its application for streaming content Disney Plus For a new experience for broadcasting movies in 3D mode through Vision Pro glasses, Apple also confirmed support for both Amazon Prime Video, Paramount Plus and Mobi Mubi and Discovery Plus, but the glasses do not yet support both the Netflix application and the YouTube application, which makes Vision Pro users need to rely on the Safari browser to watch content from both services, but Youtube said that it is working on developing a special application.

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