Video Games

The Nintendo Switch 2 is official! Nintendo reveals its first details

After months of speculation and rumors, it's official. The Nintendo Switch 2 is indeed on the way and it is Nintendo itself which confirms it by surprise. No announcement, no trailer and no visual, but already a few details that attract our attention. We owe this announcement to the studio's Japanese account, which relays a message from Shuntaro Furukawa, the iconic president of Nintendo. He declares :

This is Furukawa, president of Nintendo. We will make an announcement regarding the successor to Nintendo Switch during this fiscal year. It will have been more than nine years since we announced the existence of the Nintendo Switch in March 2015. We will hold a Nintendo Direct next June regarding the Nintendo Switch software range for the second half of 2024, but please note that it will not be no mention of the successor to the Nintendo Switch during this presentation.”

Nintendo announces excellent news that brings more clarity to its calendar. The appointment is already set in June 2024, certainly as part of the Summer Game Fest, to discover the next accessories or games for the current Switch. Players were expecting to see the first images of the Nintendo Switch 2, but that will not be the case. However, this is not a disappointment since the manufacturer confirms that the next console will be revealed before March 2025, the period when the firm ends its fiscal year.

It's a safe bet that an announcement will be made between now and the end of the calendar year to prepare players for the release of the device in spring 2025. This is generally the preferred time of year by Nintendo to launch its consoles, like the Nintendo Switch 7 years ago. The only downside is that Shuntaro Furukawa does not confirm the name of his next machine.

Few details… for now

Nintendo Switch 2, Nintendo Switch Pro or even Super Nintendo Switch, the proposals are numerous and none has yet been made official. However, we have a little more visibility into the performance of this mysterious console. Rumors want the format of the latter to be larger, with more comfortable Joy-Cons and increased internal power.

The most surprising thing about this whole story is the way Nintendo announces such revelations. This is what makes the company strong, as confident as it can be. However, she proves that she is right to rely on her community to make noise around her products since it is always there no matter what.

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