
Only iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max will get the latest 5G modem from Qualcomm

Apple plans to supply only the most powerful versions of the next generation iPhone iPhone 16 With a stronger and faster 5G modem manufactured by Qualcomm, so that the iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max get the latest modem from Qualcomm, while the iPhone 16 and 16 Plus come with the same 5G modem that Apple relies on in its series of phones. iPhone 15.

Trusted analyst Jeff Bo reiterated in a new note that he shared with an investment company that only the most powerful or “Pro” versions of the iPhone 16, including the iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max, will come equipped with the Snapdragon X75 processor for 5G networks, which is the latest and most powerful processor from Qualcomm. Which you are expected to depend on The best smartphones in 2024The main version of the new generation of iPhone, the iPhone 16, and the version with a larger screen, the iPhone 16 Plus, will come with the same modem that Apple is now relying on in the iPhone 15 phones.

Qualcomm announced the Snapdragon X75 modem in February of last year 2023

5g modem in iPhone 16 Pro Snapdragon X75 modem5g modem in iPhone 16 Pro Snapdragon X75 modem

During the past two years, Apple began a new strategy based on upgrading the processor in only the most powerful versions of the new generation of iPhone phones, so that iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max Only on the new processor, while the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus get last year's processor, it seems that the company is planning to increase the differences between the versions of the same generation, as it previously used the same 5G modem in all versions.

Qualcomm had announced a modem Snapdragon X75 In February of last year 2023, it is a modem equipped with the latest technologies that enable smartphone users to obtain faster Internet via 5G networks compared to the new X70 modem. It also occupies 25 percent less space, while consuming 20 percent less energy. The new modem also combines support for both sub-6GHz and mmWave networks.

The Snapdragon X75 also supports the latest fifth generation network standards called 5G Advanced, which is based on advanced technologies. artificial intelligence And machine learning to improve the performance of 5G communication.

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