
Leo AI: An artificial intelligence assistant built into the Brave browser

Privacy-focused web browser Brave has announced a smart assistant called Leo AI that relies on artificial intelligence techniques to provide features similar to what GBT Chat provides to users, including assistance in summarizing web pages, creating content, translating languages, converting audio and video to text, and more. .

What is the Brave Leo AI artificial intelligence assistant?

Leo AI is an artificial intelligence assistant integrated into the Brave browser (the browser that focuses on privacy and preventing tracking of users' behavior while browsing the web), allowing users to easily ask questions and get answers while browsing different pages and websites, without the need to navigate to a site or Another application from Alternative applications for GPT chat Or the need to install any additional applications.

Brave Leo AI assistant Brave Leo AI assistant

The artificial intelligence assistant LEO ai is available for free to users of the Brave browser, based on the open source artificial intelligence model from Meta company Llama 2 13B, with the ability to choose the Mixtral 8x7B or Claude Instant model, but both are limited in use, with the possibility of subscribing to Leo Premium for $15. Monthly to take full advantage of the capabilities of all supported models without restrictions.

What are the features of Leo AI in Brave browser?

Users can rely on the AI ​​assistant Liu in the Brave browser to easily summarize any web page or long article, or even inquire about anything on the page and get answers to it based on the different linguistic AI models it supports. Liu also provides question suggestions to help the user, In addition to supporting translation between languages ​​and helping to create content such as articles, social network posts, emails, etc., in addition to helping perform programming tasks, with the ability to use voice to ask questions when using Leo through Android devices.

Access the Leo AI assistant in the Brave browser

Brave browser users can use both devices and devices Windows And Mac or Android devices (And soon iOS devices) Access the Leo AI assistant, through the sidebar in the browser, without the need to log in or create an account.

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