
Intel Panther Lake: doubled AI performance on this CPU

All the high-tech giants have unveiled innovations at the start of the year. And Intel did not miss this meeting, with its Panther Lake processors. These CPUs are equipped with optimal performance, especially in the field of AI. The company plans a large-scale launch as soon as possible.

Intel's Clearwater Forest chips are already in design. The company even confirmed the progress of this project a few weeks ago. However, she also stated that Intel Panther Lake CPU lines will soon hit the market. And AI will be in the spotlight with these processors.

AI performance doubled in 2025

There will be a newcomer in the series Core Ultra processors from Intel. Pat Gelsinger, the company's CEO, said that Panther Lake CPUs will soon join this group of high-end CPUs. Like Lunar Lake, and Arrow Lake, these chips will power the computers of the future. And in a world where AI will be a benchmark, these Intel products will become essential.

“The Core Ultra platform delivers industry-leading AI performance today with the launch of our next-generation CPUs later this year, Lunar Lake and Arrow Lake, tripling our AI performance. In 2025, with Panther Lake, we will double AI performance » Pat Gelsinger, CEO of Intel.

P-Cores Cougar Cove X Next-Gen Xe3 GPU

This is the configuration of Intel's new Panther Lake processors. The multinational even found a code name reflecting its power. These are the “Celestial” ranges from Intel.

And the surprise doesn't stop there. The company's CEO confirmed that this series of CPUs will be more efficient in all respects.Graphics, computing power, basic capacity, etc.

Combine this with the performance of the Clearwater Forest ranges. These chips adopt the architecture Darkmote E-Coreand target the Cloud Data Center segment with 288 cores.

“We are the first in the sector to have integrated both the provision of gate energy and downstream power in a single process nodethe latter being unexpected with two years ahead of our competitors. Arrow Lake, our main Intel 20A vehicle, will launch this year . Intel 18A should be ready for manufacturing in the second half of 2024. Pat Gelsinger was proud of the progress of his project.

He also added “I am happy to announce that Clearwater Forest, our first Intel 18A server part, has already entered manufacturingand that Panther Lake for customers will soon be (…) Panther Lake followed shortly after”

Focus on the AI ​​accelerator.

After Panther Lake CPUs, Intel plans to launch Gaudi 3 . This AI accelerator will increase performance by 4 and network bandwidth by 2.

“We are continuing this momentum with Gaudi 3, which is about to launch this year and which should deliver optimal performance with 4 times the processing power and double the bandwidthfor better scalability of renderings. Pat Gelsinger.

See you on February 21, 2024

Certainly, Intel has announced several innovations. However, the high-tech giant did not elaborate on the details. The company will meet its fans on February 21on the occasion of theIFS Direct Connect 2024. Intel will finally show the technical specifications of Panther Lake CPUs and other products.

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