
Groq: A new, faster competitor to ChatGPT

The new artificial intelligence tool Groq has achieved wide spread recently, and it is the tool that provides a chat bot based on artificial intelligence techniques (AI) similar to GPT chat andJiminy And others, but it has gained great popularity on social networks thanks to the speed of response and the new technologies that rely on it, which dispense with graphics processing units.

Many users and experts circulated the Groq LPU Inference Engine, which is the different technology on which the Groq chatbot depends, whose name is similar to Elon Musk’s tool called GrokThis was after publishing its benchmark tests via 2023.

The high response speed provided by Groq is due to the development of a special chip by the team

The high response speed provided by Groq is due to the team’s development of a special chip for processing applications specifically for linguistic AI models (LLMs), which allows the tool to process approximately 500 token operators per second compared to up to 40 operators per second for the free version of Groq. ChatGPT Which is based on the GPT 3.5 model.

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The developer of the tool, Groq Inc, says it has created a language-first processing unit (LPU), instead of the expensive graphics processing units (GPUs) typically used to run artificial intelligence models, which has recently pushed Nvidia's value to a historic high.

Users can access the Groooq tool through: Web Across various devices, whether computers or smartphones, with the ability to benefit from the high response speed provided by the tool for free to obtain answers to inquiries, based on the Mixtral linguistic artificial intelligence model or the open source meta model. llama2The tool allows you to choose between them easily.

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