
Google urges America to update immigration rules to attract artificial intelligence talent

Google urged the US government to update immigration rules to attract more talent in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), in a letter from the US company’s management to the Ministry of Labor in which it requested updating the list of rare jobs that receive facilities in permanent residency procedures, to include jobs in the field of artificial intelligence.

Google said in the letter it sent to the Department of Labor that the United States may lose valuable talent in the field of artificial intelligence and technology if some of its immigration policies are not updated. The company, which is considered one of the most prominent companies developing AI technologies, said that what is known as Schedule A (job listing) Which includes a scarcity of American workers) must be more flexible to meet the demand for vital jobs such as jobs in the field of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, so that this list includes jobs that have recently increased in demand and must always be flexible to include the jobs that are most in need.

Karan Bhatia, head of government affairs and public policy at Google, told the website The Verge There is a global shortage of talent in the field of artificial intelligence, yet the United States is considered one of the most difficult countries to bring in talent from abroad, which represents a major loss. Karan criticized the list of rare jobs known as Schedule A, saying that it has not been updated for more than 20 years. years to meet actual needs.

Google also said that Schedule A does not currently serve its intended purpose, in light of the increasing demand for new technologies such as generative artificial intelligence, and called on the government to study updating the list continuously and regularly to fill gaps in the workforce.

Google added that since the spread of technologies Generative artificial intelligenceAmerican companies struggled to find engineers and researchers to develop these technologies, as although there is talent in this field, the United States suffers from a shortage of specialists in artificial intelligence, and the strict immigration policies pursued by the United States have made it difficult to attract people to work in American companies. To build its artificial intelligence services, Google noted that some of its employees often had to leave the United States while waiting for their green cards or permanent residency to be approved.

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Many previous reports had indicated the difficulty of competition in attracting talent in the field of artificial intelligence between companies, and Meta even resorted to hiring without conducting interviews, and reports said that software engineers in… OpenAI They earn more than $800,000 a year and the company pays some researchers up to $1 million a year.

The demand for employing skills and competencies in software development related to artificial intelligence and machine learning has increased, coinciding with the revolution initiated by OpenAI since the launch of the GBT chatbot. ChatGPT earlier in November 2022, but the increasing demand for these jobs faces a scarcity of talent, which makes companies retain their employees through higher salaries or wages and many additional benefits.

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