
Google announces new privacy controls, Privacy Sandbox, for Android

This week, Google officially announced a new, similar Privacy Sandbox policy For privacy features in iOS 14 Introduced by Apple earlier in 2021, it is a policy that would allow users better privacy by preventing applications available on the Google Play Store for Android devices from tracking users’ activity to re-target them with advertising later.

What are the new Privacy Sandbox controls for Android?

Google said that the new controls to protect privacy, Privacy Sandbox, aim to provide new, more private advertising solutions. The company said that these solutions specifically would limit the sharing of Android user data with third parties, in addition to working without the need for identifiers, including the advertising ID. advertising IDThe company also said that the new initiative aims to explore new technologies to reduce the possibility of collecting confidential data, including more secure ways to integrate applications with software packages intended for advertising.

Privacy Sandbox controls Privacy Sandbox controls

Google said the new privacy protection initiative, which it calls Privacy Sandbox for Android devices, builds on the company's existing efforts on the web, which it says “provides a clear path forward to improve user privacy without jeopardizing access to free content and services.”

Google will be slow in enforcing the new Android privacy policy

Instead of imposing explicit restrictions on the current advertising techniques that developers and advertisers rely on, in reference to Apple, Google, which still has most of its revenues and those of its parent company Alphabet, come from advertising, said that it believes that this strict policy may be ineffective and lead to worse results. Regarding user privacy and developer work.

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Therefore, the goal of its new Privacy Sandbox initiative for Android devices aims to develop effective advertising solutions that respect users’ privacy more, so that users know that their information is protected, while developers and companies have the necessary tools to succeed and reach smartphone users. Therefore, Google said that it will not issue any Changes to the current advertising policy for at least two years, and they will provide substantial notice prior to any future changes.

Developers can now review the initial design proposals for the new system and share their opinions about them on the Android developers website. Google said that it plans to issue previews to developers throughout the current year 2022, and will provide a trial version by the end of the current year 2022.

Is Google's privacy policy facing criticism from Facebook?

Facebook's parent company, Meta, had investigated Historical losses After announcing its disappointing financial results during the last quarter of 2021, which it attributed to the new privacy policy that Apple provided to iOS users, which restricted the accuracy of advertising targeting iPhone users, which affected Facebook’s advertising revenues.

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