
Exposure to waves: Samsung singled out by the ANFR for exceeding the SAR

Each, the National Frequency Agency (ANFR) controls the specific absorption rates (DAS) of many smartphones. The measurements, carried out by an accredited laboratory, make it possible to check whether the devices sold commercially comply with European requirements. This level of wave emission is the SAR.

It makes it possible to quantify the energy transported by electromagnetic waves and absorbed by the human body. We recense three types of DAS : DAS “head” (phone to ear); DAS “trunk” (at a distance of 5 mm, in a jacket pocket or bag) and DAS “limb” (phone held in the hand, in a pants pocket, etc.). The unit of measurement is watts per kilogram (W/kg).

In France and the European Union, the regulatory limit values ​​are 4 W/kg for the “limb” SAR and 2 W/kg for the “head” and “trunk” SAR.

The Samsung Z Flip exceeded the limit, twice

Two manufacturers were caught by the ANFR for exceeding the SAR. It is Samsung with its Galaxy Z Flip and of Wiko with the Y82a folding smartphone and an accessible model that can be found at many resellers.

The “head” SAR did not pose a problem with a value measured at 0.417 W/kg, far from the regulatory limit of 2 W/kg. On the other hand, the Galaxy Z Flip – first of the name – displayed a “Trunk” SAR too high at 2.502 W/kg (at a distance of 5 mm from the body), greater than the limit value of 2 W/kg. Samsung then decided to reduce the power of its device through a software update. However, this was not satisfactory and even had the opposite effect.

After the update, the “Trunk” SAR was measured at 3.024 W/kg. “The ANFR's control of the effectiveness of the corrective measures nevertheless highlighted a persistence of non-compliance of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip phone,” explains the agency. Concerning the “member” SAR, this was far from the regulatory limit value (4 W/kg) with a measurement of 1.882 W/kg.

The world number one smartphone company therefore offered a second update on his smartphone. With this new version, the Galaxy Z Flip has finally hit the nail on the head. Its “trunk” SAR falls well below the limit, at 1.024 W/kg.

Two updates and a fine of €7,500

The ANFR specifies, however, that it has sanctioned Samsung to face an administrative fine of 7,500 euros. A sum that will not embarrass the South Korean firm; but this type of fine is rare enough to be highlighted. If you have a Samsung Galaxy Z Flip (SM-F707B), it should be updated to take these changes into account. The corrected version is numbered F707BXXU7HVH9.

Same story for owners of a Wiko Y82 who are invited to install version W-K630-EEA-V01.31-20-11.0-GBL. Indeed, the ANFR had noted a “member” SAR of 4.01 W/kg; i.e. 0.01 W/kg above the limit set in France. After the update, we go to 2.3 W/kg and therefore move away from the limit not to be exceeded which is 4 W/kg.

Galaxy Z Flip4 at the best price Base price: €1,109
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