
A chip that makes your CPU 100x more powerful?! All about Flow Computing

We are not in a science fiction film, but in real life. Indeed, a high-tech company claims to have created a super-powerful chip. This is the latest discovery from Flow Computing, one of the emerging names in the sector today.

You probably know the behemoths like Intel, AMD, or Nvidia. These are the benchmarks in terms of high-tech chips. But a newcomer will be able to find a place in this competitive sector. The Finnish company, Flow Computing, has created a chip capable of boosting the power of your CPU. Yes, 100 times more efficient than current power. Do you believe it?

Flow Computing announces a new era, make way for SuperCPUs

With a particular architecture, Flow Computing specialists want to innovate in the field of high-tech. Indeed, it is understood that CPUs cannot keep up with the evolution of the other components of a central unit.

The processor is the weakest link in computing. It is not up to the task and that will have to change,” explains Timo Valtonen, co-founder and CEO of Flow.

However, some processors have become quite fast. But there are still some adjustments necessary to have optimal performance. Flow Computing engineers then looked into the subject.

Instead of focusing on a defined task, Flow technology improves the way a CPU operates. There is more precise management of computational traffic at the nanosecond scale. This is a huge innovation because CPUs can now multitask. As Flow engineers claim, your CPU will perform 100 times better.

“Flow with the intention of lead the SuperCPU revolution thanks to its radical new Parallel Performance Unit (PPU) architecture, enabling performance up to 100 times higher than that of any processor,” says Timo Valtonen.

Could this be the new reference architecture?

The PPU (Parallell Performance Unit) architecture of Flow Computing adapts perfectly to the majority of current CPUs. This approach makes it possible to attract several clients across the planet. In addition, the advancement of AI will further increase the company's profits.

Smartphones, PCs, data centers, or others. Flow provides licenses to add their innovations to these devices. In addition, this solution turns out to be the cheapest on the market.

PPU eliminates the need for expensive GPU acceleration (…) At the same time, all existing coprocessors such as Vector, NPU, and even Matrix units will benefit from a more efficient processor” affirm the Flow Computing engineers.

I think that announcing an innovation capable of boosting the power of a CPU more than 100 times is very bold. Additionally, Flow Computing has not yet provided further information regarding this architecture. However, the company wants to release some details within a few weeks. We look forward to this moment.

If this innovation were available to you, how would you use it? Create software? Or other projects? Give your opinions in comments.

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