Video Games

Diablo 4: Employee Reveals Game Revenue, Blizzard Doesn't Like It

Sometimes, LinkedIn has the gift of being a veritable goldmine of information for video game enthusiasts. When it's not a question of leaks concerning projects still kept secret, it happens that financial statistics end up in employee profiles. While the launch of the extension Vessel of Hatred of Diablo 4 – scheduled for October 8 – is fast approaching, a Blizzard employee made a blunder on the professional social network. Last week, our colleagues at GamePressure spotted a new description in the job description for the game's product director, Harrison Froeschke.

This allowed us to learn that Diablo 4 has generated no less than a billion dollars since its launch on June 5, 2023, including $150 million from microtransactions. However, Blizzard probably didn't appreciate the sharing of these figures, since the product director's LinkedIn profile quickly disappeared. Is the studio ashamed of the revenue generated by the live service model of its hack 'n slash? However, the data revealed by Harrison Froeschke testifies to a real success for the new opus of the franchise. Comparing these with the latest public statistics shared by Blizzard, the title has managed to perform despite its entry into the Xbox Game Pass.

Constant sales

So far, Blizzard has only communicated once about the game's sales. Five days after its launch last year, Diablo 4 had already generated $666 million, a figure as surprising as it was amusing that the studio had not failed to highlight. In just over a year, hack 'n slash has generated an additional $334 million. According to Harrison Froeschke's Linked post, this figure also includes pre-orders of Vessel of Hatredbut sales are expected to accelerate upon launch in a few weeks.

Put in the context of an entry into Game Pass in March 2024, the statistics of Diablo 4 are rather surprising. The studio certainly had to give up on many sales following this inclusion, but it could well benefit the success of the extension. Let us nevertheless recall that Microsoft has applied some changes to the presence of major titles in its Game Pass formulas. From now on, subscribers must imperatively subscribe to the Ultimate formula to benefit from day one releases and the complete catalog. Enough to make the presence of such blockbusters a little more profitable.

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