Video Games

The future of PlayStation will be in video game consoles

Last week, Sony officially unveiled the new PS5 Pro, the mid-range console that will aim to offer the best possible experience to the players while waiting for the arrival of a potential PS6A presentation that is far from winning unanimous approval with players stunned by the price of the console (800 euros, without disc reader and 920 euros with reader).

This choice by Sony, by putting forward a console without a reader, raises many questions about the future of PlayStation and more broadly of video game consoles. For its part, Microsoft has just released a white Xbox Series X, not offering a player eitherThe only difference is that on the Xbox side, you have no choice and no drive can be purchased separately.

There is a growing sense that “All Digital” is becoming a norm in the video game industry (as it was with music, movies and series years ago). Thus, Is the future of game consoles numbered? ? For Sony, no, the future of PlayStation will indeed be through new consoles.

PlayStation has no plans to stop making consoles

Ps5 Pro Official Image
© PlayStation

On November 7, the new PlayStation will officially be released worldwide. But unlike the PS5 (in November 2020) and the PS5 Slim (in November 2023), this PS5 Pro will not offer a double packwith a standard console and an all-digital console. The PS5 Pro will be available only without disk drive at 800 euros and you will have to pay an additional 120 euros to buy this accessory separately if you want to play your games and Blu-Rays on this console.

A choice that divides players and clearly shows that digital is taking up more and more space in the video game industry. To reassure everyone, Hideaki Nishinothe president of Sony Interactive Entertainment's Platform Business Group, spoke in an interview with Nikkei magazine. The latter confirms that Sony has no plans to stop console production anytime soon video games:

“I think on mobile devices, many games display ads and PCs are difficult to set up. Whereas with PlayStation, as soon as you turn it on, you can immediately enjoy the content you have purchased. The PlayStation Store also offers an intuitive experience, because the products are presented in a way that is easy to read. We are trying to increase our share of the overall market by developing content for PCs as well. But there is no doubt that consoles will remain the core of our business, but by offering titles for platforms other than consoles, we will reach a wider range of customers.”

Game consoles that will remain “at the heart” of Sony and PlayStation's business. The real question now is until when and especially at what price?

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