
Star Trek Lower Decks: new unpublished extract before the final season

All good things must come to an end. As the fifth season of Star Trek: Lower Deck is on the horizon, this latest round of episodes will also be the last. The Cerritos will be put into dry dock, and the characters introduced in 2020 will bow out. A fifth and final season, however, will allow for a beautiful conclusion to the adventures of Brad Boimler, D'Vana Tendi, Beckett Mariner and Sam Rutherford.

Season 4 left its mark

In 2023, season 4 of Star Trek: Lower Decks ended with a change of status quo unexpected. The group said goodbye to Tendi, who was determined to stay with her family on Orion to become a space pirate. A return to her roots that was a blessing for the Mistress of the Winter Constellations, who now continues her journey far from Cerritos and Starfleet, at the head of a bloodthirsty crew that she has a hard time containing.

It's no longer a surprise, the series finale promises to be explosive. If Tendi left the ship who saw her grow up for four years, she is about to find her old comrades from the lower decks. While the young alien must relearn how to be a space pirate, a war against Orion will draw her into a conflict much bigger than her, and end up attracting the attention of the Enterprise, and the Cerritos. The opportunity for her to find her old friends.

But Boimler, Mariner, and Rutherford also have their own problems to deal with. The Cerritos is far from perfect, and the Klingons are lurking. Boimler is still trying to figure out how to climb the ladder of his Starfleet hierarchy, and Mariner still seems to be struggling with a delayed adolescent crisis.

An excerpt for Star Trek Day

The broadcast of a new unpublished extract, just over a month before the broadcast of the final season, is no coincidence. This Sunday, September 8, 2024 marked International Day of Star Trek Daythe annual big mass of fans of the series, in all its variations. While in the United States, Paramount has read online the first episodes of certain series stamped Starfleet, the teaser of Lower Decks has the merit of benefiting everyone, provided they are familiar with the language of Shakespeare.

See you on October 24th

The appointment is made. Star Trek: Lower Decks will return on October 24 on Paramount+, with two episodes, followed by a weekly broadcast. French viewers will be able to enjoy this final round of episodes at the same time as the rest of the world. In the meantime, a new poster paying homage to the original films has been unveiled.

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