
Apple is the best-selling smartphone in 2023, ahead of Samsung

Apple overtook Samsung for the first time ever in the history of the conflict between the two giant companies, as Apple was the best-selling smartphone company during the year 2023, according to preliminary data from IDC, which was also reached by Canalys, the leading technology market analysis company. Globally.

The best-selling smartphone companies in 2023

According to IDC, Apple succeeded in selling 234.6 million iPhones during the past year 2023, compared to 226.6 million phones for Samsung, and Xiaomi, Oppo (including OnePlus sales) and TransUnion occupied the other three positions on the list of the top 5 best-selling smartphone companies in 2017. 2023, with sales of 145.9, 103.1, and 94.9 million phones, respectively.

Samsung has been the best-selling smartphone company annually since 2013

Apple's displacement of Samsung from the throne of the best-selling smartphone company in the world comes after 13 years of control by the South Korean company, according to IDC, which said that Samsung has ranked first on the list of best-selling smartphone companies since 2013, and Apple was not in that. Time was even among the five best-selling companies, with Nokia in first place, Samsung in second place, then LG, which stopped selling smartphones, in third place, ZTE in fourth place, and RIM (maker of BlackBerry) in fifth place.

iPhone 15 Pro colors

IDC said that Apple is not only the only company in the top three that achieved positive growth annually, but it also succeeded in occupying first place annually for the first time ever, and the company added that Apple's continued success and resilience is due in large part to the growing trend of buying phones. Leading smartphones or in the high price category, such as iPhone 15 Pro and others, which now represent more than 20% of the market, thanks to the strong exchange offers and interest-free financing plans now available to consumers.

While IDC said that Apple played a major role in displacing Samsung from the lead, the company also witnessed intense competition from other manufacturers of Android phones, including Huawei, OnePlus, Honor, and Google, and it is not limited to Samsung that is facing a challenge from these companies. Companies, as Canalys indicates that Huawei’s “improved strength” could also represent a problem for Apple’s growth in the Chinese market, after reports emerged last year 2023 stating that Huawei was able to overcome US sanctions and build an advanced 7-nm processor from China's chip manufacturer Semiconductor International Corporation (SMIC) in its Mate 60 Pro smartphone, which supports 5G networks.

While total smartphone shipments decreased by 3.2 percent in 2023 compared to 2022, there are signs that the market may recover from its recent decline, as IDC reports indicate that shipments grew by 8.5 percent on an annual basis in the fourth quarter of 2023. While a company was spotted Canalys Growth of 8 percent after seven consecutive quarters of decline.

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