
WhatsApp for iPhone and Android gets a new, better design

Whatsapp announced an important new update that brings a new design to users of the application, whether via Android phones or iPhones, which is the new design that provides new color tones different from what users are accustomed to, in addition to many other changes to the interface, with the aim of providing a smoother experience in… Use the application for iPhone and Android.

WhatsApp gets a new design

The new WhatsApp design adopts the green color as the main color of the application, so that elements such as notification badges and buttons now appear in green, with the removal of the green top bar at the top and giving the application a simpler appearance dominated by white, and the new changes in the WhatsApp design appear clearer for application users on Android devices, where tabs such as chats, calls, communities, etc. have moved down to make it easier to access and navigate between them, similar to the version of the application for iPhone phones.

WhatsApp design evolution WhatsApp design evolution
The design of WhatsApp has evolved since its launch

As for the changes to the design of WhatsApp when applying the dark mode, Whatsapp says that it changed the colors so that they become clearer, in order to reduce pressure on the eyes in low-light environments, meaning that the dark mode has become darker for more comfort for the eyes, as the company that developed the chat application updated. The most popular icons and illustrations around the world, the application also got new animation effects and chat backgrounds.

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Whatsapp had provided these major changes to the design of the application for iPhone and Android for testing to users of the beta version during the recent period, but this week it began providing them to all users around the world.

iPhone users can download the latest version of the most popular instant messaging application WhatsApp for free through the App Store App StoreAndroid phone users can also download the latest version of the application for free through the store Google Play.

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