
Meta AI: An artificial intelligence assistant from Meta that integrates with its applications

Meta (the parent company of Facebook) has officially announced the Meta AI artificial intelligence assistant based on the open source Llama 3 model developed by it. The Meta intelligent assistant can be accessed through an independent website for free, similar to GPT chat and other intelligent chatbots. Users of various Meta applications, including Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp, can benefit from it directly, whether while browsing content or exchanging messages.

What is Meta AI intelligent assistant?

The Meta AI intelligent assistant offers a new free alternative to… GPT Chat AlternativesWhere the user can get answers to his inquiries based on artificial intelligence techniques, in addition to assistance in producing and writing content, responding to messages, solving equations, and assisting in programming tasks, etc., with the ability to create images and even animated images, in addition to the ability to access the Internet to search for… Information, based on the new artificial intelligence model Llama 3 Which Meta also announced this week.

What is Meta AI intelligent assistant?

But Meta's smart assistant integrates with the company's various services, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger, so that it is possible, for example, to search for any information while browsing posts from friends and others on Facebook, or to engage the assistant in a conversation with a friend via Messenger or WhatsApp to make a better suggestion. Restaurants to eat food in an area or to obtain information about something, with the ability to access the smart assistant through Instagram also to request the creation of images, animations, etc., which over time makes Meta AI available to more than 3 billion application users. Different social meta.

Integration between Meta AI and other applications

The new Meta smart assistant, based on artificial intelligence technologies, integrates with the company's various applications, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger, allowing the user to:

Get answers on any topic

Users can obtain answers with the help of artificial intelligence by accessing the smart Meta Assistant, through Messenger, Instagram, or WhatsApp, so that the assistant can be called in any conversation to inquire about any topic or request suggestions about a restaurant or place to perform certain tasks and others, or chat. Directly with the smart assistant, similar to interacting with Telegram bots.

Integration with search in meta applications

Integration with Meta App Search: Meta AI Intelligent Assistant

Meta said that users of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger can access its new smart assistant, Meta AI, through integration with the search feature in these applications, and with the assistant’s ability to access the Internet, it can search for information directly, such as flight times, etc., which removes the need to Navigate to search engines such as Google search for information.

Integrate the Assistant into your Facebook feed

Meta also said that Facebook users can now access the Meta AI smart assistant directly while browsing the feed of posts from friends and pages, so that a button appears at the bottom of each post that allows easy access to the new smart assistant to inquire about information or verify information, etc., without the need to To leave the application or open a separate application.

Create images with artificial intelligence

Through the Imagine feature in the Meta AI smart assistant, the user can create images from a text description instantly or in real time, so that the images appear directly while the user writes the text description, a feature that is now available experimentally for WhatsApp users and web assistant users in the United States. .

The image creation feature via the Meta smart assistant also allows the user to create animated images and not just static images, which later allows the creation of animated stickers or posters and exchange them in messages or add them to a story on Instagram or Facebook.

Meta AI Assistant: Availability and how to access

The Meta smart assistant is now available through the web (an independent chat site similar to GBT Chat, Gemini, etc.), and is also available through Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram, in addition to the Meta smart glasses in cooperation with Ray-Ban. The company said that the assistant will be available later for its virtual reality glasses. Meta Quest (competitor Apple Vision Pro glasses).

But access to Meta AI is through Web It is available in the United States and a limited number of other countries in English, not including any Arab country, despite the support of the Llama 3 model on which the assistant is based for the Arabic language.

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