
Android O: The most prominent features and availability of the next version of Android

Google recently announced the preview version of the new version of the Android operating system, which it called Android O, for the second time it has announced the new version before its annual developers conference. Google said that since the launch of the Android project in 2008, it has relied on the contribution of its development to… App developers, device makers as well as users through their comments and feedback.

Google said that it has accelerated the Android development process in cooperation with its partners, so that it can now share the first preview version of Android O, which it confirmed is still under development and waiting to obtain more features. It also confirmed that it still needs more improvements, and Google will announce the All the features of the new version of Android during its annual developer conference, Google I/O, next May 2017.

These are the most prominent features of Android O revealed by Google:

1-Improved battery consumption (longer usage time)

Google said that Android O supports a new feature called Background limits that adds significant restrictions on applications running in the background to improve battery consumption and device performance, based on three factors that include preventing the broadcast of updates, preventing the provision of services while working in the background, and preventing obtaining updates about geographical location, and it confirmed Google believes that this feature represents a major change in Android for the better.

2-More accurate alerts

Android O provides the user with more accurate alerts and greater control by grouping alerts into “channels” or categories, so that the user can choose the categories for which he wants to receive alerts from a specific application instead of blocking all alerts from a specific application, and the user will now get Important alerts from different applications with different background.

3-Improve autofill in applications

Android users rely on many applications to automatically fill in login data and recurring information, and in Android O, Google has integrated the feature into the operating system so that the user can choose the autofill application similar to choosing a virtual keyboard.

4-Support running applications in a window within a window

Android O supports the feature of running applications in a small window within a window, which allows, for example, to watch a video clip while working on another application, in addition to supporting other options for multiple windows and the ability to launch more than one application together on the same screen in the mode of working on another screen. Or independent remote display.

5-Interactive icons

Android O also provides user interface improvements with interactive icons that change design and movement according to the screen they are displayed on, whether as a shortcut, in settings, or in the share box.

6- Richer colors

Android O supports the Wide-color gamut feature that allows the user to display a wider range of colors in photos and videos, a feature that can also benefit photo editing apps.

7- Better sound with high quality

Android O allows high-quality sound when connected wirelessly to headphones via Bluetooth, in addition to supporting the feature of connecting to devices via Wi-Fi without the need to connect to the Internet. Google said that it is working with many partners to provide NAN Wi-Fi communication technology as soon as possible.

8- Better options for navigating within applications via the keyboard

Google said that in the new version of the Android operating system, it focused on improving navigation and prediction within applications through the keyboard.

The first preview version of Android o or the developer version is now available for download through Android developer website For devices Nexus 5X AndNexus 6P And Nexus Playerpixel AndPixel XL And Pixel C, but the user must save a copy of his data before installing the new version, and we advise against installing the initial version of the new version if you are not a developer or a professional user or have another phone that you can rely on, because the initial version is often unstable and has problems. In terms of performance.

According to Google, the company will provide 3 more trial versions over the next few months, and will launch the final version of Android O during the end of the third quarter (end of September) of the current year 2017.

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