
What is Android Go Android Go?

Google announced earlier this month during its annual developers conference io17 about Android Go, which is a special version of Android. Through Android Go, Google aims to provide a faster and lighter version of Android for smartphones with low costs and specifications.

Android Go is based on the latest version of Android Code name OIt comes with a set of applications that require less memory, less storage space, and consume less data, such as YouTube GoGoogle said that the lighter version will carry a special version of the Google Play application store. With the special version of Android, Google is targeting smartphones with 512 MB of random memory. Google confirmed that it is working on adding Android Go as a mode that can be activated in all smartphones that run the Android system.

Google had launched a similar initiative several years ago Android OneIt is an initiative that provided the raw version of Android for smartphones with low costs and specifications, and Google was updating these phones with its Nexus phones.

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