
Microsoft launches Phi-3, a smaller model of artificial intelligence

Microsoft has officially launched the new Phi-3 artificial intelligence model, which is the smallest and lightest model launched by the American giant. The small artificial intelligence models aim to reduce cost, in addition to the possibility of working directly on low-performance devices such as smartphones, tablets, and others.

Microsoft provided the Phi-3 Mini version of the model, which it said was capable of processing 3.8 billion workers and trained on a smaller data set compared to large linguistic models such as GPT-4 And others, Microsoft's new artificial intelligence model can now be accessed through its Azure cloud service and via… Hugging Face And Ollama.

Microsoft plans to launch two other versions of the model, called Phi-3 Small, capable of processing 7 billion workers, and Medium, capable of processing 14 billion different workers, which indicates the extent to which complex instructions or commands can be understood.

Phi-3 is just as capable as the free version of GPT Chat

– According to Microsoft

Microsoft had announced the Phi-2 last December 2023, which it said provided performance similar to the larger Meta model Llama 2, but the company says that the new version provides better performance than the previous version and can provide 10 times more accurate responses similar to more models. It also said that Phi-3 is as capable as GPT-3.5 (which the free version of Phi-3 is based on). gbt chat) with a smaller size.

Compared to large artificial intelligence models such as GPT-4 and Gemini Ultra, small models are available at a lower cost, and also work on personal devices such as phones and laptops. Microsoft has assigned a special team in the company to focus on developing these models, and it is the team that develops a model. Orca-Math specializes in solving mathematical equations, as well as Phi.

Microsoft's competitors in the world of artificial intelligence are developing similar models to help with simple tasks such as summarizing documents or helping to learn programming, including Google, through two versions of the model. Gemma Open source and Anthropic through the Haiku version of its new model Claude 3which the company says is capable of reading dense research papers containing graphs and summarizing them quickly, in addition to Llama 3 8B from Meta, which can be relied upon in chatbots and to assist in programming. Google also provided its smartphone Pixel 8 Pro In a small-sized version of the Gemini model named Gemini Nanowhich contributed to providing many smart features for editing photos, videos, etc.

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